About Me

"Worthiness is an innate identity that is given to us by the giver of our existence"

Scott Erickson

My Story

I have always been drawn to perfect-looking pictures where everyone is smiling and looking at the camera, it wasn’t until we were doing family pictures that my 2-year-old preferred running wild, not willing to listen or even sit still that I gave that dream away.

At that moment I realized that I was more interested in the idea of how we should look as posed to who we really are. What we liked to do as a family, how we lived our lives, and what made us happy. 

We are messy and loud and we love to cuddle and laugh mostly we enjoy hugging every chance we got.

I stopped trying to control everything and allowed my family to be captured as who we really were. Our connections. Our bond to each other. To be true to who we are.

I also learn that by being true to who I am, creating a space where I can be broken, messy, unsure, happy, exhausted whatever that looks like to me there is room and space for it all.

That photo shoot allowed me to see what was right before me for the first time in my life, not thinking of how it should look but truly how it is. Seeing my children as they are. I want them to remember that we lived. We laughed. We cried. We belonged to each other forever. 

I want our images to be evidence that everyone was seen.

We are stepping into presence. We stepped into our lives and we lived.